Қазақстан ҮЕҰ академиясы

by ОФ"Информационно-р&#1077...



Kazakhstan YE Academies - Academy of NGOs of Kazakhstan - application in two languages. In the application you can follow course announcements, news, and by signing up for the course, you can receive FREE professional training for all representatives of non-profit organizations in 3 faculties and 3 special courses of your choice.The main goal of the social project, which is being implemented by the public association "Center for Civil Initiative" on behalf of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and support of the NJSC "Center for Support of Civil Initiatives" is PROFESSIONALIZATION OF THE ACTIVITIES OF NGO REPRESENTATIVES.Kazakhstan ҮеҰ academies - Academy of NGOs of Kazakhstan - қOSYMSHA ekі tіlde. The koldanba course khabarlandyrularynda, janalyktarda baqylanada zhane kurska zhazylu arkyly siz 3 facultet zhane oziniz tandagan 3 arnay kurst kommertsialik emes uzyimdardyn barlyk okilderi Our tag is about the same.ҚР АқPARAT Zhәne қoғamdyқ damu ministerlіgіnің zәne “azamattyk bastamalardy koldau ortalygy” KEAK koldauynyn tapsyrysy boyynsha “azamattyk bastama ortalygy” qogamdyk birle stіgі iske asyratyn aleumettik zhobany n basta maksata – ҮеҰ өкілDERінін қызметін казідилерініру.